Monday, April 11, 2011

Thats All Folks!!

Written April 11, 2011
Wow what a semester!! To think back to the beginning of this class and not really knowing what the class would have encompassed I am suprised at all the content that was covered. From videos dealing with women or videos dealing with there problems, or different diseases or just love. This was a class that was full of discussion some of it positive some of it negative, sometimes the discussions got heated and a little violent but none the less there were tons of discussions. I also want to thank you for making the experience of your class one of the best classes that dealt with textbooks and information that could be taken as boring and you made it really interesting. I have taken all of the key words from this class and created a wordle that I think sums up this entire course I hope you like it!! Thank you again hope you have a great summer!
Kyle Hart


Written April 11, 2011
Wow have we talked about some very intense subjects in this course. Prostitution is another one of those touchy subjects. I think legalizing prostitution is only going to make the problem worse, we have to have severe laws in place in order to get a hold on this issue. Even if we do that I think this is an issue that will take a really long time to get this issue to a place that is manageable. I think we must take a look at not only the people working in the sex trade but also the men who buy it. This is an issue that will last throughout my lifetime and will be extremely hard to handle.


Written April 5, 2011
Not knowing a lot about the what HIV and Aids is I found this class really helpful in finding out what exactly happens to you! I am not shocked however that 33.3 million people are living with HIV/Aids it saddens me just to think about it! I really hope the work people are putting in to finding a cure will eventually help these poor people who just ended up getting a disease that currently there is not a cure for. I also hope that these people if they do not find a cure find a way to make the pain of this disease less painful. As before with contraception this can also help with prevention of this disease. I think we must keep voicing prevention prevention prevention and when behaving risky in your sexual life it is important to use safer sex. Absitinence may not be the best way to go about this issue because honestly how many people abstain from having sex this is not a reasonable goal. Monogamy is also something that would be really hard to tell people to do although this could go over better than abstitinence.

Cohabitation Vs. Marriage

Written March 22, 2011
In the olden days getting married always happened before a person would ever move in with the person. Nowadays it is different most people choose to cohabitate instead of getting married. Most people in every know society get married. I know in my life I would much rather live with someone to make sure that we are compatible with each other instead of just rushing in to getting married. What happens when you marry a person and they are the messiest people on the planet yet you've married this person and now have to learn to deal with it or get divorced. The person may have something more serious that they do that you may not like. I think it is just important to get to know the real person you are being with and to really understand all of that person and their kinks. In my opinion that is the best course of action when dealing with whether to wait to move in with a person or after! I think it could also have some religious beliefs around it too!


Written March 20, 2011
I think abortion has it's good and bad points, It all depends on the situation the person is in. If someone was raped then yes they use that option. If a person just gets pregnant I still think it is an option but they need to think hard about the matter at hand! I think it all comes down to what a persons situation is and what is going on in their life. I know through family experience that having an abortion can put an extreme strain on a person and the relationship they are in that can haunt them for years to come. This is an issue that is really difficult to put a yes or no answer too and must really come down to what a person feels is right and what is wrong.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Written March 15, 2011

A good friend of yours is pregnant and she is still drinking and smoking would you confront her why or why not?

If I had a good friend that is pregnant and still continues to drink and smoke I would be blunt and honest with them about the harm they are causing their unborn baby! By continuing to drink they are risking that the baby will have problems that will last its entire life they are basically telling their baby that they do not care about it and that they would rather continue to live the live they are living than take responsibility for their actions. Although if this were my friend I would tell them about these harms and then insist they get help because it may be difficult for them to just stop smoking and drinking. I have also heard that to just stop smoking may harm the baby more than continue to smoke but I am not sure about that statement. I think that when a person decides to continue to do these risky things while they are pregnant my guess it will be hard to tell them to stop. It makes me very sad that a person could do this to another live and not even care :(.


Written March 10, 2011

When thinking about this topic and the discussion we had in class it raised a pretty big flag in my mind. In my head I am going to do everything I can do not get someone pregnant. I am not ready to become any kind of parent I am hardly ready and mature enough to be involved in a relationship let alone a 20 year ordeal with a child. I understand that some part of the discussion was on religion and the roles it plays in contraception and if that is what you believe in then rightly so you shouldn't use any method, but to say to others that they shouldn't use any either is just not right. Also on the issue of using contraception I think it is important to protect yourself against STI's and when not using a condom your chances of getting one greatly increase! On another topic of whether I would get a vasectomy, I would definitely have to think long and hard about whether I was done having kids. I would also have to talk it over with the person I was with it would just be way cheaper in the long run of not having to buy to condoms anymore! I think like any of the topics we have talked about in Sexuality this is an issue that is a personal choice and you have to decide for yourself what you are going to do!

Sexual Orientation

Written March 1, 2011

I find it extremely offensive that in a time where the world has come to accept people for more than just their sexual background that a person will still be judged by some people in society. I am a straight man and before I was old enough to understand why someone would be homosexual or bisexual I didn't understand why a person would be that. When I first started working at my job at Boston Pizza I was fifteen and was a quiet person compared to who I am today. We were told we were getting a manager and thats all we were told turns out he was gay and some people were completely uncomfortable with who he was and actually quit because of it. I decided to give the guy a chance and he is one of my really good friends now! No one thinks of him as being gay he doesn't come around and hit on every guy that moves and I think it is important to remember that people with a different sexual orientation probably do not want to get with you and most likely leave you alone. I am glad in this class we were able to talk so freely and openly about different types of things and I hope this opened peoples minds about what other things go on in the world that they are not aware of!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sternberg's Triangle Method of Love

Written On: February 27, 2011
How would you interpret Romeo and Juliet's love according to Sternbergs typology? Why?

I would interpret their love as fatuous love which is passion and commitment or what we call foolish love. I think throughout this Shakespeare play the love these two characters have for each other is very passionate, they feel like everyone is against them. Again it is very much this statement instant love and the feeling that their is nobody else that they can be with. The commitment part of this love would be the fact that they get married within a few days of meeting each other. Now why is this love foolish they commit suicide in a way that is so obvious that she is actually not dead look at the clip below. This is often called one of the best love stories of all time I think it is one of the stupidest again no one should fall in love that fast and maybe they should try to think with other parts of their bodies not just their privates!!

Falling in Love with Falling in Love

Written on February 25, 2011

I think a lot of our views on love come from the popular culture, it is through this that i propose that we fall in love with falling in love. Who does not want that moment when you look across the room and you instantly fall for someone. Ha!! I doubt that happens to many people in life and I doubt those instant love moments happen for a long period of time! Instant love what does that mean does that mean we actually fall in love or are we infatuated, which brings out such words as an intense absorption that is all consuming. So why do we want to feel this way I think we are shown from a young age that love will conquer all! In my opinion instant love is not something that happens I think it takes a long time to love someone and you need to continue to work at that relationship its just not as simple as that instant love. I think what we can blame this on celebrities and the entertainment industry!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Perfect mate

Written February 10th, 2011

What is the perfect mate??? Is it someone who has the same features as your favorite celebrity crush, is it someone who folds your laundry and cleans up after yourself or who fits your idea of the opposite gender. I think finding your "Perfect Mate" is something that is a dream, nobody is perfect and I think if you look at this way you will in the end be let down. Is it the expectations of our behavior that also helps us figure out what we want in life. Another influence of the perfect mate could be the way that we are raised and the influences of television and the entire media conglomerate as a whole. While searching for ways to see which ways that television has influenced our population I looked to two seperate movies. The first movie I looked at was Disney and Pixar's Wall-E this movie deals with our perfect mate because it shows us that love can happen even on an Earth that can no longer be inhabited by humans, and that it is between two robots none the least! The second clip is none other than Titanic one of the most well known love stories of our time, this movie deals with love between two different social classes and although the ending is tragic it shows us that love can happen between anybody. These two examples show just how the media can influence society to continue its search for the perfect mate and true love!!!


Written January 19, 2011

Feminist have gone through many different struggles that have been organized into different waves. The first wave deals with the suffrage movements and how women wanted the rights as a citizen of a community and to be seen as equal. The second wave deals with their equality and sexual representation, The next wave deals women empowering their sexuality Madonna was a key player in the development of this wave! The current trend in Feminism is through spirituality and peace. We learn a lot about feminism in other classes and it seems like most of these women have a bone too pick with everything that goes on in society. Although I think it is a great thing for women to have rights and to be able to speak their mind sometimes they can take it too far! This comic strip I found explains my thoughts!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Alfred Kinsey

Written January 14th 2011

While watching the movie clips from the movie Kinsey which is based on Alfred Kinseys workings and findings in human sexuality. I found that he was very far advanced in his thinkings on what is normal in sexuality between a couple. During his time sexuality was very basic in what was considered "normal" basically a man and women engaged in sex and nothing taboo was allowed. I think that Kinsey's work on sexuality has had a tremendous affect on how the world now sees their own sexuality. Which takes me to what Alfred Kinsey considered sexually normal? I think Alfred Kinsey did not have a definition to what was sexually normal as every person is unique and has a different sense of what is normal to them. I think to me that sexuality is normal when someone is comfortable with who they are within themselves and who they are with the person they are with, whether they use whips and chains or just use their bedroom as long as what they do is safe and they are comfortable. Nothing should be considered out of the realm of sexuality!

First thoughts

Written January 9th 2011
First Thoughts
Wow Fam 322 will be quite the experience. I am almost speechless right now looking through the textbook, there seems to be a ton of information in the book hopefully I can get everything I can out of that gigantic textbook. I am hoping the class is not to awkward and I have no doubt that this class will be one of the most interesting classes I will take during my time at the Red Deer College!!!!