Monday, January 31, 2011

Alfred Kinsey

Written January 14th 2011

While watching the movie clips from the movie Kinsey which is based on Alfred Kinseys workings and findings in human sexuality. I found that he was very far advanced in his thinkings on what is normal in sexuality between a couple. During his time sexuality was very basic in what was considered "normal" basically a man and women engaged in sex and nothing taboo was allowed. I think that Kinsey's work on sexuality has had a tremendous affect on how the world now sees their own sexuality. Which takes me to what Alfred Kinsey considered sexually normal? I think Alfred Kinsey did not have a definition to what was sexually normal as every person is unique and has a different sense of what is normal to them. I think to me that sexuality is normal when someone is comfortable with who they are within themselves and who they are with the person they are with, whether they use whips and chains or just use their bedroom as long as what they do is safe and they are comfortable. Nothing should be considered out of the realm of sexuality!

First thoughts

Written January 9th 2011
First Thoughts
Wow Fam 322 will be quite the experience. I am almost speechless right now looking through the textbook, there seems to be a ton of information in the book hopefully I can get everything I can out of that gigantic textbook. I am hoping the class is not to awkward and I have no doubt that this class will be one of the most interesting classes I will take during my time at the Red Deer College!!!!